Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Snow Storm!!

At the suggestion of my friend Lee, this the second in my continuing series of posts from my window on the world. I'm taking these pictures outside my apartment on the 21st floor. In case your a comic nerd, I have dubbed my apartment "The Watchtower".

Today we had a snowstorm, just in time to really fuck up rush hour traffic. I decided to take 35W home from work as there is very light southbound traffic after the bridge collapse. It took me only 30 minutes to make it from work to 4th Avenue. That was at 5:30pm. I spent the next 1 hour and 35 minutes getting from 4th Avenue to 14th Street. So my nice, usual 15-20 minute commute turned into > 2.5 hours. For those of you counting, that's 7.5x longer than usual. Apparently MPR was quoting double or triple. Well, I beat it! The worst part was that having chosen to go through downtown, I could see all the stoplights. If I had taken 694 to 94, I would have been frustrated, but at least nothing would have been marking time for me. Unfortunately, driving through downtown, the ugly glare of stoplights turning green and yellow and red over and over and over again while I made not one inch of progress was hard to bear.

I had 2 tall, frothy Guinness when I got home. I feel better now.

Thursday, November 22, 2007

A Downtown Wasteland (Thanksgiving)

Downtown Minneapolis today is a wasteland. It feels very post-apocalyptic, much like downtown St. Paul any night after 5pm or the horror/sci-fi movie <insert title here>. I feel like I’m the only human being alive down here. It’s a very interesting, yet freaky, feeling. Need proof? Check out the desert that is Hennepin Avenue.